
The idea of ​​organizing this exhibition was born in the course of numerous conversations in Sandomierz, at the Open Gallery run by Mariusz Pajączkowski. It is not new; already in 2013 Michał Gradowski, who supported it, expressed his opinions and  offered many valuable suggestions.

The idea has evolved for quite a long time, the final impulse came from Andrzej Sadowski, the organizer of the Jubinale fair, who convinced us to make a show during the June meeting of artists goldsmiths. Andrzej Pacak offered his support and exhibition space at the London Magan Gallery, whereas Marek Nowaczyk, the “biological” father of the jewellery festival in Legnica, offered his help, knowledge and experience.

This proposal is also an invitation for you to join our artistic Hyde Park. The four people, mentioned below, arbitrarily proclaimed themselves the organizers of the exhibition. And they split up the roles as follows:

Andrzej Sadowski – patron of the discussion club

Marek Nowaczyk – substantive moderator of the discussion

Mariusz Pajączkowski – technical moderator of the discussion

Andrzej Pacak – all-round moderator of the discussion


Anna Rojkowska – translation and editing



The project would have been unsuccessful if it had not been for our sponsors.
  • Special thanks to PB GROUP, which has been supporting art goldsmithing since 1999.
  • To Design Park we owe a great website, which will be kept updated for the whole time of the duration of the project.
  • Walcownia Metali w Warszawie ( Rolling mill of metals in Warsaw) is a well-tried friend of Polish artists and designers. Without their aid, many catalogues would not have been published.
  • Since 2010 the main goal of the Galeria Otwarta (Open Gallery) has been the promotion of art goldsmithing and Polish art jewellery.

Honorary patrons



Media Partners




Thank you to all our Friends who have recognized the value of the project and supported the printing of the catalogue by posting their advertisements.

Without you, this and other future booklets/catalogue would be impossible.

You are great!

Muzeum Sztuki Złotniczej w kazimierzu Dolnym

Galeria Sztuki w Legnicy

Galeria YES

Galeria Otwarta

Targi Biżuterii i Bursztynu AMBERMART

Targi Złotniczo-Jubilerskie GOLDEXPO


Kurtownia biżuterii

Szlifiernia kamieni Andrzej Rzewuski

Walcownia Metali Warszawa

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