
Artists in the project “In My Opinion…  Jewelry With a Message” want to know the exhibitions in which their pieces are shown. It is not always easy to find this information from the News or our FB fanpage. So we decided to make a traditional list of names and places publish this information on our website.

Here it is:

  1. 7-9 June 2018 – JUBINALE Fair, Kraków
  2. 29 July – 30 August 2018 – Museum of Goldsmithing Art , Kazimierz Dolny
  3. 6 September – 1 October 2018 – Gallery of the International  Amber Association, Gdańsk, ul. Warzywnicza 1
  4. 4-6 October 2018 – GOLDEXPO Fair; Warszawa, ul. Prądzyńskiego 12/14
  5. 25 October – 22 November 2018 – MAGAN GALLERY, London, 16 Trinity Rd.
  6. 12 December 2018 - 6 January 2019 - Gallery of Art in Legnica, a selection of works, as part of the exhibition "Shades of White and Red"
  7. 13 - 17 December 2018 - Beijing, China International Jewelry Fair, a part of works
  8. 17 January  - 4 Febuary 2019 - DUBIEL Gallery, Warszawa, al. Waszyngtona 24
  9. 4 April - 4 May 2019 - YES Gallery, Poznan, Paderewskiego 7
  10. 13-15 June 2019 – JUBINALE Fair, Kraków
  11. 5 July - 1 September 2019 - Regional Museum in Sandomierz
  12. 2 - 26 October - Gallery of Art in Legnica
  13. 7 November 2019 - 7 January 2020 - City Museum in Zabrze
  14. 10 January - 4 Febuary 2020 - YES Gallery, Poznan, Paderewskiego 7
  15. 7 Febuary - 10 March 2020 - Museum of Contemporary Jewelery, Warsaw, Plac Konesera 8
  16. 19 June - 29  September - District Museum in Konin, Muzealna 6
  17. 2 October - 15 January 2021 - Muzeum Ziemi Lubuskiej in Zielona Gora, Al. Niepodległości 15
  18. 1-3 July 2019 – JUBINALE Fair, Kraków
  19. 23 July 2021 - 31 January 2022 - Amber Museum in Gdansk
  20. 2-4 June 2019 – JUBINALE Fair, Kraków
  21. 6 August 2022 - January 2023 – Museum of Goldsmithing Art, Kazimierz Dolny




  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21*
Ewa Joanna Apanowicz Argentoplication                                    
Monika Bajka Mr Cogito Among Those Who Are Going in 2019 – a visualised poem                                    
Andrzej Bandkowski Alas, our dreams rarely turn the wheel of events. (Jan Izydor Sztaudynger)      
Anna Betley „Silence is so accurate”. Nanga Parbat 2018        
Anna Betley Whispers of the Heart        
Anna Betley Feed the World...or Eat the World                  
Anna Betley I Am Not Interested In What You Feel. I Am Not Interested In What You Think (Don’t Get Impassioned)                                    
Marcin Boguslaw Dumb as a Cow          
Marcin Boguslaw bacon, to be or not to be                                  
Andrzej Boss Building Blocks    
Andrzej Boss 110519.1 110519.2 110519.3                        
Andrzej Boss Rebellion                                      
Victoria Bramin Triplex – …Everything Depends on the Point of View…            
Victoria Bramin Red Point - Seed Of Life                  
Agnieszka Bruzda Notes From a Lecture                                      
Wojciech Jerzy Brylka Natura appetit perfectum                                  
Wojciech Jerzy Bryłka Polish Icons I                          
Milosz Bukowski Seven Cardinal Sins...                                    
Anna Butwell For Every Woman                                
Jacek Byczewski We, the Nation…    
Jacek Byczewski Destruction of Values                              
Dorota Cenecka "Freedom" My City                                        
Tim Carson Luv too            
Roxana Casale Exposed                          
Roxana Casale Left To Their Own Devices                          
Elzbieta Chojak-Mysko Drama of Fish                                          
Malgorzata Chrusciel-Waniek A Great Mystery of Faith              
Anna i Witold Chudzik The One                              
Piotr Cieciura Changes. Changes? Changes!        
Piotr Cieciura 2015 - 20..                                  
Danka Czapnik Future. A Key Issue              
Danka Czapnik Lost Time              
Teresa D`Antas Swing                              
Teresa D`Antas Cruise                              
Mariusz Deka Aleppo          
Nico Delaide Cardboard diamonds karma, padauk diamonds karma, paper diamonds karma                                      
Maryla Dubiel Clean up After Your Dog                
Francesca Di Ciaula Forget Me Not No.1 and No.2                      
Francesca Di Ciaula

#Ni una menos

Ewa Effenberg-Kaja Parallel Worlds                        
Mariusz Fatyga Great Catholic Poland                    
Michal Fatyga Welcome, Refugees    
Michal Fatyga Keep Your Tongue in Chech                    
Maria Fijalkowska The One That Didn’t Exist – Amoeba                                          
Maria Fijalkowska Ab ovo                                          
Daria Galus Pandemic Ties                                      
Krzysztof Ginko To Se Ne Vrati (The Past Will Never Return)                                      
Krzysztof Ginko A Wheel of Events (to Andrzej Bandkowski)        
Mariusz Gliwinski In My Opinion, Life Is Beautiful            
Mariusz Gliwinski Urban                  
Maria Gower The Fallen Angel                                      
Iwona Grabowska Stairs to Heaven                
Piotr Grad Just an Ornament            
Piotr Grad A Piece of History                                      
Irena&Marek GregoriCazenave&Nowaczyk When Will the Corals Bloom Again?        
Irena&Marek GregoriCazenave&Nowaczyk Let Our Memory Connect Us                  
Julia Groos All Oppression Is Connected                                      
Dorota Gulbierz Only Naked Truth Can Liberate Me                      
Velvet Hart Captured            
Elzbieta Held Man, It Sounds Proudly?                        
Elzbieta Held Boar (Sus scrofa), Polish mutation of 2019                      
Haidemarie Herb surFace                                      
Kamila Hoffmann Everything Breaks, Everything Is Put Together Again                                  
Jacek Maria Hohensee Ptasznik Ojczysty (Untranslatable)                      
Holland Houdek Cadaveric Hepatic Transplantation, Liver Replacement                          
Romualdas Incirauskas Social Communication – I                                      
Romualdas Incirauskas Social Communication – II                                      
Andrzej Jacyszyn In My Opinion… Writing History Anew      
Andrzej Jacyszyn Someone Has Come to Burn Our House                  
Andrzej Jacyszyn White-and-Red Hatred              
Andrzej Jacyszyn Are we like that?                                    
Andrzej Jacyszyn Bait for an Overlord                                        
Sybille Jagfeld That`s me                          
Ania Janiga Memory of a Tree I          
Ania Janiga Memory of a Tree II            
Agnieszka&Tomasz Jankowiak&Falkiewicz Pictogram “Backpack”                          
Oliwia Malgorzata Janowska Lunula                                        
Tadeusz Jaskowiak Piano Variation No 1      
Tadeusz Jaskowiak Here and Now                                    
Joanna Jaworski Remember the Gardens… (Jonasz Kofta)          
Joanna Jaworski Remember the Gardens…II                      
Joanna Jaworski As you make your bed...                                    
Joanna&Jacek Jaworski&Hohensee Hidden Identity                    
Karolina Kabaszyn The Souls of the Forest                                      
Pawel Kaczynski The Fifth Element – the Woman                        
Pawel Kaczynski Murder for Freedom, Religion for Absolution                                          
Jaroslaw Kolec For the Body and the Soul                    
Jaroslaw Kolec Mirror 2020                                    
Jaroslaw Kolec Everything Dependes on the Point of Viev                            
Jaroslaw Kolec Sunny Pince-nez                                    
Marek Korytowski Worldwide Lockdown Covid -19                                      
Zofia, Witold Kozubski A Ladder    
Zofia, Witold Kozubski Tribute to Duke Ellington      
Zofia, Witold Kozubski Go to the election – everything’s under control              
Zofia,  Witold Kozubski Illusion                
Zofia,  Witold Kozubski Allowed for Consumption                          
Zofia, Witold Kozubski In Solidarity with the Women’s Strike                                      
Zofia, Witold Kozubski Keep Quiet (Woman in Patriarchal Society). Action = reaction                                      
Ryszarda, Tomasz, Kamil Krzesimowski The Main Thing Is to Be Content with Oneself                                          
Ryszarda, Tomasz, Kamil Krzesimowski Freedom Is Not Only a State of Mind                                          
Ryszarda, Tomasz, Kamil Krzesimowski Attributes of Humility, open project: “27:1”                                          
Ryszarda, Tomasz, Kamil Krzesimowski Attributes of Humility, open project: a powder compact                                
Elzbieta Kurkiewicz Ring with a Pink Halo                        
Adrianna Kusielczuk Longing                                      
Marianna Lamenta Is It Beauty?                                      
Ariel Lavian Them                
Ariel Lavian Deformation as an Object                
Ariel Lavian Plastdeath Tree                    
Felieke van der Leest African American Indian, African Caucasian Indian                      
Felieke van der Leest Medal for Killing a Baby Rhino                        
Barbara Ludwicka Eternal Dualism of Imperfection                            
Barbara Ludwicka And Then There Were None (Agatha Christie)                            
Waleria Lugowska My Accent Is of a Worse Sort    
Waleria Lugowska Poland is my Home    
Waleria Lugowska Requiem                      
Waleria Lugowska The Silence of the Lambs                    
Agnieszka Lukasik-Klosek Engagement ring                                      
Agnieszka Lukasik-Klosek She and He                                      
Cezary Lutowicz Noodles for the Ears. (This is a Polish idiom, equivalent to English - to pull the wool over sb’s eyes)                                      
Katarzyna Mackiewicz Muzzle 2020                                    
Katarzyna Mackiewicz Symbol of (In)fertility of the 21st c.                                    
Katarzyna Mackiewicz More Than Just Hormones – supplement to the work Symbol of the (In)Fertility of the 21st c.                                      
Lieta Marziali Pothole: On Emptiness and What We Leave Behind              
Lieta Marziali Norfolk fields: On the Alchemy of Before, Between and Beyond.                                  
Lieta Marziali Phoney: On Vainglory and the Affliction of Affectation                                          
Magdalena Maslarz A Dream of Teeth Falling Out                              
Kelly McCullum Frozen life                
Joanna Mirecka-Szuleta Appropriation of the State. „We Will Not Fly Far…”            
Marek Nalecz-Nieniewski Each of Us Is Different    
Marek Nalecz-Nieniewski #no comment                      
Karolina Niedzielska Don’t come near                                      
Marta Norenberg Body Positive – Body Negative      
Marta Norenberg You are here - the Circle of Life                    
Marta Norenberg The same, but completely different                                  
Marta Norenberg Disciplining Nature                                    
Marta  Norenberg Triptych: I Disciplining the Body and Mind  II Beauty Hurts. III Accept Yourself, but...                                      
Ewa Nowacka-Piechowiak Are They Talismans Only?                                        
Marek Nowaczyk Transplantations Are Not Only Hope.      
Marek Nowaczyk Maybe better yes?                        
Marek Nowaczyk xxxxx xxx (slogan from Women’s Strike written in Braille                                          
Marek&Irena Nowaczyk&Gregori Cazenave You Shall Love Your Neighbor As Yourself (The Bible)                                        
Marek&Krzysztof Nowaczyk&Nowinski Poland for Poles            
Marek&Krzysztof Nowaczyk&Nowinski Amulet or Fetish?        
Krzysztof&Marek Nowinski&Nowaczyk We Must Eat That Frog                                      
Maria Ostrowska Tender eyes - seeing injustice. Tender eyes - seeing solutions.                                        
Jacek Ostrowski Rooster                                  
Michalina Owczarek-Siwak Returns                                      
Andrzej Pacak GOD@universe.com      
Andrzej Pacak The Order of Honor for the Citizens of Słupsk      
Andrzej Pacak Ritual knife for…                                  
Andrzej Pacak For our and your Freedom?;                  
Andrzej Pacak The Order of the Knights of "the Round Table"                
Andrzej Pacak #Me too #Me too? #Me too!                      
Andrzej Pacak Love me tender, love me true - O & O, O & Δ, Δ & Δ                            
Mariusz Pajaczkowski My Wonderful World                        
Mariusz Pajaczkowski Man’s Proper Place                            
Mariusz Pajaczkowski Devaluation (of Time, Value, and Form)                          
Mariusz Pajaczkowski 20th century spoons                                  
Mariusz Pajaczkowski Illusion. The Grass Is Always Greener on the Other Side.        
Mariusz Pajaczkowski Illusion. There Above It Will Certainly Be Better.        
Mariusz Pajaczkowski If only such a sign will remain?        
Mariusz Pajaczkowski Each color adorns us (to Maja Wozniak)              
Mariusz Pajaczkowski Succession in subunit                                        
Mariusz Pajaczkowski Corporation Kills                              
Mariusz Pajaczkowski Will there always be such religious boundaries?                          
Mariusz Pajaczkowski All Creatures Life is Beautiful (to Justyna Stasiewicz)                            
Mariusz Pajaczkowski The Imprisoned                                      
Mariusz Pajaczkowski You`d better die standing...                                    
Mariusz Pajaczkowski Devaluation of value                                       
Mariusz Pajaczkowski  Aleppo                                    
Sham Patwardhan - Joshi Demagogue                            
Sham Patwardhan - Joshi Taking the Mickey                          
Felicity Peters #Me Too…Time To Declutter?                
Sylwester Pietras Scorpion                                    
Maciej Pietrzkiewicz Element, Clou, Glint                                        
Maciej Pietrzkiewicz Source, Twilight, It’s High Time! Do It!                                      
Malgorzata Podlesna-Zdunek We Are Building                                      
Malgorzata Podlesna-Zdunek Corset                                      
Enrica Prazzoli Device 2, or device to regulate the flow of excessive information we are subjected                
Lu Quing Xin Is the Future expected?                                        
Marek Rekus Tres turmalinas                                          
Marek Rekus What's Up at The Bottom of the Ocean?          
Alain Roggeman Wild            
Marta Rudnicka Generations                                      
Aleksandra Rybak A Wheel of Fortune      
Aleksandra Rybak Etude for the Guitar        
Wojciech Rygalo Triptych – This Is What Hurts Me      
Wojciech Rygalo A Knot    
Wojciech Rygalo In My Opinion – Sometimes I Am Ashamed          
Wojciech Rygalo Homophobia                    
Wojciech Rygalo At the Crossroads                    
Wojciech Rygalo The Only Rubber Allowed for Schoolgirls                      
Wojciech Rygalo Not Everyone Loves Your Dog (A Postscript to Maryla Dubiel’s Piece)                    
Wojciech Rygalo The Fifth Element – the Woman. Dimensional obsession                              
Wojciech Rygalo Lichy palec (Untranslatable)                                    
Daniella Saraya Ikarus                
Kacper Schiffers &                                    
Olivier Schwalm Europe’s Promise                          
Jacek Skrzynski Two sizes, two values                      
Jacek Skrzynski Constitution        
Jacek Skrzynski There Were Many Pianist... To the Memory of Ignacy Jan Paderewski                  
Jacek Skrzynski My "From Here to Eternity"                                          
Jacek Skrzynski Stored in Memory                                      
Philipp Spillmann Praise of Shadows                        
Justyna Stasiewicz All Creatures’ Life Is Beautiful        
Maria Stepak Breath                                      
Andrzej Szadkowski Nothing Is What It Seems        
Andrzej Szadkowski  Hole                                      
Sylwia Szoltysek Metamorphosis                                
Aleksandra Szulc A Cure For Everything                                          
Jakub Sliwowski Small Is Beautiful, and Bigger Is…                            
Iwona Tamborska Broken/Damaged                            
Fabrizio Tridenti AC standard II                                          
Tim Udvardi-Lakos Praise of Shadows                          
Hanna Urbanska Great Minimalism                                          
Hanna Urbanska You Praise the Foreign and Ignore Your Own                                        
Hanna Urbanska DNA                    
Hanna Urbanska Where Are We Going?                    
Hanna Urbanska Trendy 2020                                    
Hanna Urbanska Golden Egg                                          
Robert Urlik Poppies                                          
Andrea Wagner Feels Like Living a Movie – If Only I Knew Which One                                      
Susan Wainwright Don't blame me - I voted to remain            
Joanna Wajnikonis Non-religious Manifesto - All Our Earthly Matters                    
Joanna Wajnikonis Survival Bracelet: High Time – the Earth Needs It                        
Urszula Wasilewska Out of Tune    
Andrzej Wilk Where Are We Boud For?            
Julia Winiarska The Key to Intimacy                                      
Julia Wolny My World                                          
Anthony Wong The Most Precious Thing I could Give You            
Anthony Wong In Emergency, water sparingly            
Martyna Woszczak Made in...?                                          
Martyna Woszczak Portrait                                      
Maja Wozniak Rainbox revolution      
Maja Wozniak Pro choice      
Maja Wozniak And Who Is Right?                      
Maja Wozniak Connect as you like                      
Maja Wozniak Tacking                                        
Maja Wozniak For Jarek                                      
Maja Wozniak Children and Fish – and Women Have No Voice                                        
Maja Wozniak Same Reflections                                        
Rodoslaw Wojcik That Will Take You Nowhere, My Baby…                  
Aneta Wrobel Re/valued                    
Lill Yildiz Yalcin “Yo Te Creo” (I Believe You)              
Oliwia Zembaty Communication          
Oliwia Zembaty Abyss                  
Tadeusz Zietara Forest Study No 18        
Tadeusz Zietara Forest Study No 19          
Tadeusz Zietara Forest Study 20                                    
Tadeusz Zientara Forest Study 21, Life After life                                      
Katarzyna Zuczkowska Start…                                      
Anna Zyla Tethered                                      

* Uniquely, exhibition No. 21 is described with two columns; Nos 21 and 21*. Why?

Well, it so happened that for the first time during the four-and-a-half-year life of the project we experienced an intervention by politically empowered people who claimed the right to interfere with the statements made by the artists. Unofficial but very strong pressure was exerted on the director of the museum and some of the staff to eliminate politically and socially engaged pieces from the exhibition.

Since the main objective, i.e. the publication of a catalogue summarising the project, had been achieved, and, moreover, realizing that the punishment for the situation would have affected the people who had contributed most to the preparation of the exhibition and of the publication, we decided (cf. clause 1 and 10 of the Regulations) to withdraw from the exhibition of the works that had proved to be so “offensive”. Having neither the opportunity or desire to enter into an argument with these people, we decided to let it go.

Well, this is not the first time that certain political options have claimed the right to interfere in spheres that are clearly the essence of human rights, namely the sphere of the freedom of expression, including artistic expression.

It was not an easy decision, but one that we had to take immediately. When you compare columns 21 and 21*, it is easy to see which works were removed during the exhibition.

Marek Nowaczyk and Mariusz Pajączkowski

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